Monday 16 March 2009

GTA-ChinaTown Wars (ds)

Ive been a lover and hater of the Nintendo ds, classics like the final fantasy remakes, Brain Training, and new super mario bros, but
what has ultimatly made me sway toward the less creative handheld device (psp) was the lack of games that appealed to me, im sure its pretty
normal for a young guy not to drawn to bloody, imagine- ballet dancer, or peppa the bloody pig (call me closed minded). There is a light
at the end of this childrens game filled tunnel of love, joy and wonder. Something the murdering drug deal can take a hold of, GTA- ChinaTown Wars

Ok, Chinese rich kid plus dead traid father, drugs,guns, honor, and women, make up the meat and potatoes of GTA-ChinaTown Wars.
This game is taking the Series back to the streets of liberty city again, im not gonna spoil the story or characters for you but its basically john woo
meets gta, Asian gangster tryna make it on western shores.

The Genericness of the story aside Rockstar is bringing back the topdown view and a cartoony art style due to the graphical limitations of the small
system, but i think it works very very well, besides that everthing else is pretty much GTA mo. I was interested in seeing how the touch screen
would be used, and to be honest its probably one of the best games ive played in terms of touch screen use, and it is used for a hell of alot.

The touch screen is also used to put together sniper rifles,pay tolls, play scratch cards,navigate using your gps, throw grenades its madness,
but it is not to much and does take away the feel of playing a gta game if anything is makes the experience more immersive. You as the players
have to move the drugs from your bag to the dealers,an hotwire the getaway car, it really just makes you perform more actions making the game
that little more indepth. The games almost here and its looking like it maybe the biggest for the ds the quarter. check it out

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